For you that already installed Windows my 7, possibly have looked around or in place of theme default that was used. If being seen, the choice that was available for Windows my 7 of English with setting regional Indonesia was 4 theme that could be chosen that is Windows 7, Landscape, Light Auras, and Nature. Like that was touched on by me to the Windows article 7 Desktop Screenshot, the choice theme that was produced to Windows my 7 were matched with the version of the language and regional that was chosen. Nevertheless, by means of certain the choice theme that ought to be present for Windows my 7 were regional other was enabled to be used.
Was based on the article in My Digital Life, the method that could be carried out so that could use themes other that was hidden was as follows:
- Open Windows Explorer.
- Click Organize, and chose the Folder and Search Options.
- The clique tab View.
- Choose Show hidden files, folders and drivers and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended). In the confirmation request that emerged, clicked Yes.
- Click OK.
- Afterwards browsing the folder along with:: \Windows\Globalization\MCT\
- In foloder this, you will come across the folder with MCT-XX (diamna XX was AU, CA, GB, the US, or ZA) that presented setting for each one regional. Choose one of the folders that theme him will be activated. For the note: AU, CA and ZA had theme that was same.
- Open the Theme folder to the regional folder that was chosen.
- Double click in file XX.theme will change theme that at this time was used with theme regional this. Very much was used, theme this will be kept as the choice to Personalization options, so repeated to theme regional that was other. Further to change and chose theme-theme this enough of the right cliques in desktop and chose Personalize.
- Further returned to the Options Folder to return setting the folder like in 5 first steps above to hide file that must be hidden and file the system.
The other method that could be used was with the modification registry. Copy-paste the code along with in text the editor for example Notepad.
Further kept file this with the extension .reg for example enable-win7-regional.reg. Double click file this and in confirmation that emerged chose Yes. To get theme Windows my 7, in website Windows 7 personally, Microsoft also provided various themes, desktop background, desktop gadget, sideshow gadget to can downloaded and was used.
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