Unix Time was an explication system of time in a sum that was counting the number of seconds from January 1 1970 struck 00:00:00 UTC. Bilangan 1 could be in Unix Time converted as January 1 1970 struck 00:00:01 UTC, et cetera so as during February 15 2009 struck 16:05:30 UTC in Unix Time was 1234713930. Was named Unix Time, because initially was used in the Unix system in presenting and keeping the time data. The Unix Time use indeed more in the computer field, like in the programming or database. If in the calendar system umu him was known the New Year or the birthday, this matter definitely was not known in Unix Time because of his sum to continue to improve. That normally is made “peringatan” related Unix Time was when his sum formed “nomor cantik” or had the special meaning like 1000000000 (one billion) that fell on September 9 2001 struck 01:46:40 UTC, 1111111111 (on March 18 2005, 01:58:31 UTC), Or that recently happened when the sum to Unix Time reached 1234567890 that fell on February 13 2009 struck 23:31:30 UTC that was celebrated in various places. In the future, torque that possibly will be celebrated by some people was when Unix Time reached 2000000000 (two billion) that fell on May 18 2033 struck 03:33:20 UTC but also the day that was acknowledged as "Unix Millennium Bug”."
Unix Millennium Bug or Year 2038 problems was bug that will happen in the system 32-bit that used Unix Time as integer because in this system time that could direpresentasikan achieved the value integer biggest that could be kept that is 2147483647 that fell on January 19 2038 struck 03:14:07. In the following second, in the system 32-bit that kept the Unix Time data as integer this will read him as 1901. The problem could happened long before this date for example when keeping the maturity date data 10 years after January 19 2028.
- Unix Time (Wikipedia)
- Year 2038 problem (Wikipedia)
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